

Archaeology & Historic Resource Services, LLC (AHRS) concentrates on providing a full range of affordable, high-quality cultural resource services in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region.

AHRS prioritizes client project requirements while working through the regulatory process. AHRS achieves this while staying fiscally responsible by closely monitoring the project budget and remaining tasks. We work with clients, regulators, and site managers to create a plan to manage risk and optimize project schedules.

Our firm can assist with regulatory compliance, cultural resource sections of permit submissions (environmental assessments, environmental impact statements, etc.) and private developments.

Our full spectrum of Cultural Resource Services includes the following:

  • Regulatory Compliance & Coordination (Section 106, EA, etc.)
  • Historic Documentary Research
  • Historic Interpretive Displays
  • Historic & Architectural Surveys (Reconnaissance and Intensive Level)
  • Historic American Building Surveys (HABS) and Historic American Engineering Report (HAER)
  • National Register Nominations
  • Preservation Planning
  • Archaeological Surveys & Mitigation
  • Cemetery Identification, Documentation and Relocation
  • Human Remains, Grave Marker and Osteological Analysis
  • Artifact Analysis (Lithic, Historic, Flora & Faunal)
  • Geophysical Survey & Mapping

Our professional staff meets or exceeds the Secretary of the Interior’s and State professional qualification standards for the performance of all levels of cultural resource work and mitigation.